St. Barts Yachts has power and sail boat listings from Daytona, FL to Oriental, NC and beyond to fit every boater’s needs. From well-loved fixer uppers to barely-used luxury yachts, we can help you find the perfect boat to enjoy with family and friends.
St. Barts is the exclusive southeast regional dealer of all new Lagoon Sail and Power Yachts. We are your trusted dealer for North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia.
St. Barts is the exclusive southeast regional dealer of all new Beneteau Sail and Power Yachts and the luxurious new Monte Carlo Yachts. We are your trusted dealer for North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and Florida from Daytona north.
Gonzo, the Satori (nee’ Finalee II) made it to Bocas Del Toro, Panama and it has been a crazy but awesome trip thus far! The boat has performed beautifully despite some big winds and waves! We have done a lot of offshore passages and she was solid and reliable so that is awesome! Headed down to the San Blas Islands and then back up through the Canal – wish me luck!
I just wanted to wish you a great holiday season and thanks for everything you have done! Please enjoy yourself and say hello to the folks at the marina that we know and cheers!